Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Help! I'm Surrounded!

Sort of looks like that part in the movie E.T., huh?

A Day at the Park

I finally got my teefs!

And trust me, they are sharp!

Friday, February 17, 2006


Here he/she is folks - our newest addition the family! His nickname will be "Peanut" until we can find a better suited "real" name.

Due date: September 19th
Heart rate: 167 beats per minute
Size: 2.5 centimeters

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

PhotoShop 101

*Click me to make me bigger*

Sunday, February 12, 2006

An Angel in Our Presence

Frosty the Snowman

This was only our second snow of the year. We just had to make a snowman... or two!

Taste good? Great, we can build here. (I sure do hope that wasn't yellow snow)

Roll, roll, roll the snow...

There we go - all done!

Hey - get down from there!

On your mark, get set - GO!!

What goes up, must come down. Oh well, there is always next year!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Drunk in Love

I just got back from lunch and had a wonderful epiphany. It is sort of odd, but don't stop reading until the end. It will make sense. I promise.

Back story: When I go out drinking or just sitting around the house throwing a few back, I always end up in the bathroom shortly after. I can always tell when I am starting to feel the effects because I'll be standing there just doing my business and just start smiling about anything. All the sudden I realize I am smiling and realize I am drunk!

Today: So I am standing at the urinal just now and doing my business and thinking about this goofy little half-crooked smile Carter gives me when he wakes up every morning to me peering into his crib. It is sort of like that "oh my goodness dad it is 6:30 but I am glad you are standing there" look. All the sudden I "awoke" from my thoughts and I had this huge smile upon my face. I didn't even wash my hands. I had to come in here and blog the occurence right away. I miss you buddy!


Now I know what you are thinking: "It has only been 6 months sinice Carter was born." Am I right? Well, it has only been a sort time but God has gifted us another child. It did come as an enormous surprise last Sunday morning when Angie peed on the stick and it instantly went 'positive'. After the intial shock about all the normal worries (ie: financial responsibilities, time with Carter, two kids in college at the same time) we couldn't be more excited! I mean we are the type of people who plan ahead for everything. I don't even get a haircut without planing it for 2 weeks and I get one every two weeks! Haha!

We were concerned about Carter, mostly. We felt like maybe he would miss out on spending quality time with us alone. Angie was worried that now that she is so tired she can't play all day like she used to do with him. But then it hit us. We were using protection and breast feeding is a natural birth control so something special from God brought this new addition to us. Everything happens for a reason - I believe that. This baby will be Carter's best friend. They will grow up together and look out for one another. Angie and I are still young and we can watch them grow up and still be in good health.

So we won't know anymore until our first ultrasound on February 16th. Wish us luck!

Thank you, God.

Six month update

Weight: 18 pounds and 11 ounces - 75th percentile
Height: 26 inches - 50th percentile
Head: 17.25 inches - 50th percentile

Just a Swingin'

Take that outta your mouth!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I know this woman...

I know this woman who, even when she feels at her worst, she looks her best. This woman is my best friend. This woman is my shoulder and my support. She is the strongest and most gentle creature, in the world, all at the same time. This woman is the love of my life. Her smiles are gifted to me from God. Her kindness is unmatched. Her heart is bigger that I have ever felt. Her tears are from the rains of heaven. I know this woman who is simply unbelievable. I love this woman and she loves me.

This picture was taken out at White Beach last weekend. She is in my old Alma Mater sweatshirt and my workout pants. The wind has pushed her hair from side to side and back and forth until it resembles nothing short of a bird's nest. But would you just look at her. That is a real smile with real feelings. That is what makes her so special. This is when I just want to scream to the world about how lucky I am to have somehow convinced her to be mine. There is a feeling I get, unspeakable in words, when we are just gallopping through the sand and giggling like kids. This is when I love her more than ever. That is why she makes me feel they way I do. In love. I love you Angie.

Undeniable Happiness!

If you talk to me on a daily basis, you may hear me moan a little about Carter crying all night or puking down my shirt right before I left to go to work or even peeing on my head when I take his diaper off. All of that times infinity is no match for how he makes me feel when he smiles. I love you, son. You have made me complete in a way I have never felt.

The world looks better upside-down!

Well, Carter has decided that enjoys viewing the world at a different angle than the rest of us - upside-down, that is. He just loves it! I'm not sure why but nearly ever time you hold him, he will arch backwards as hard as he can until he is hanging this way. His momma even has a page in his scrapbook soley devoted to this daily procedure. This is just one more reason for his suitable nickname: "Monkey"

Playing Dress-Up

This is what kids do when they are bored and we aren't looking. Do you think he hates us? Haha!

Elk & Bison Range

We decided we would take one whole day off from the norms of life last Sunday. No work. No cleaning. No laundry. No nothing! It was an odd-feeling day. Something was missing. We just needed some time with our family, out of the office and out of the home. We took a short journey about 15 miles east to the Land Between the Lakes - Elk & Bison Range.

I hadn't been there in years. Probably since grade school. It was fun. We took tons of pictures and let Carter ride up front (Mom, before you freak out we were only going 2 miles per hour) so he could see the buffalo too. Of course, elk were presnt too, that is, until I ran off the curb and scared them all away. Haha!

The grazing buffalo

Carter in the front seat staring at Daddy

Nothing makes me feel as amazing as these two falling in love even more every day