Local Chamber Launches QR Code Scavenger Hunt for Black Friday
Murray, KY. (11/19/10) – The Murray-Calloway Chamber of Commerce will launch a QR Code Scavenger Hunt in Murray for “Black Friday” shopping. Designed by Justin Kimbro of K-Squared Designs, shoppers who find each code and write down the encoded information to spell a phrase will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Chamber Check. The hunt will begins at the Chamber by scanning the first QR Tag and taking a map.
Although initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR Codes are now used in a much broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at mobile phone users (known as mobile tagging). QR Codes allow everyday items to become a website (print-to-mobile-to-web messaging) where everything can become a hyperlink. The “QR” stands for “Quick Response”. These smart codes are similar to the price barcodes found on the packaging of supermarket items, however, QR Codes hold much more information (including website addresses, text and phone numbers).
“The Chamber is always looking to take our marketing efforts to the next level,” stated Lance Allison, president/CEO of the Murray-Calloway chamber. “I am very appreciative of Justin for bringing his creative thinking to the Chamber. Our mission is to promote our members, and every avenue we can leverage increases our success rate in bringing people to shop Murray”.
QR Readers have been developed as downloadable APPs for Smartphone’s that have camera technology. Once the QR Reader is downloaded onto the phone and opens the app they are able to scan the code which will deliver a sms text, open a website, or reveal a message.
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