Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Now I know what you are thinking: "It has only been 6 months sinice Carter was born." Am I right? Well, it has only been a sort time but God has gifted us another child. It did come as an enormous surprise last Sunday morning when Angie peed on the stick and it instantly went 'positive'. After the intial shock about all the normal worries (ie: financial responsibilities, time with Carter, two kids in college at the same time) we couldn't be more excited! I mean we are the type of people who plan ahead for everything. I don't even get a haircut without planing it for 2 weeks and I get one every two weeks! Haha!

We were concerned about Carter, mostly. We felt like maybe he would miss out on spending quality time with us alone. Angie was worried that now that she is so tired she can't play all day like she used to do with him. But then it hit us. We were using protection and breast feeding is a natural birth control so something special from God brought this new addition to us. Everything happens for a reason - I believe that. This baby will be Carter's best friend. They will grow up together and look out for one another. Angie and I are still young and we can watch them grow up and still be in good health.

So we won't know anymore until our first ultrasound on February 16th. Wish us luck!

Thank you, God.


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