Friday, September 26, 2008

The Departure

It's been one fun ride, but listen, it is time we have to part and go our separate ways. We've been together nearly 10 years, but moving on is inevitable. Don't be too upset. We've had fun and made some great memories. Honestly, I'd rather stay here with you. I promise. It's not you; it's me. I'll never forget you. Goodbye my twenties!

Possibly the last photo of me as a 20-something year old.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Can you say Beetlejuice?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Terms of Services

You ever actually read any of those "I have read & agree to the Terms of Service" on the websites you create accounts on and navigate to before you check that little button and click to proceed? You should. And here's why!

Get Chromed!

So here it is folks ... the end of Microsoft as we know it. Remember, you heard it here first. Or maybe over here or possibly over there. Google, already loaded with applications comparable and compatible with MS's most common MS Word, Excel, etc ... Google has now launched an amazing browser! Although, Apple-junkies such as myself and Linux-heads alike are left waiting in the wings for our versions of Google Chrome.