Friday, October 07, 2005

Good God it's finally Friday!

What a week, eh? Let's recap, shall we.

Monday: I dressed up for a meetng that never happened (big surprise there) in my extremely limited dressier-type wardrobe (that's a good story, well, not good, just an explanation) There are lots of good stories that accumulate from other comments, huh?. OK, I will explain this one. My decided I should quit smoking. With her help (meaning she threw my smokes down the garbage disposal) I quit on January 1, 2005 midnight sharp. Since then, my lean, mean masculine machine figure has gradually slipped into teh depths of Hades. Sixty pounds later, my wardrobe has gotten limited.

Tuesday: Had 'the meeting' but spilled coffee on my shirt that morning and my iPod battery went dead on the way to work.

Wednesday: Was running terribly late, didn't make it to my car pool buddies house in tiem and he left without me.

Thursday: My 2-month old son was stabbed three times in both legs with goat blood and battery acid (ie: vaccinations) and the wife and I fought about excessive gift-giving from my parents.

Friday: So far not so terrible... yet, that is. But I do have to deal with my daughter's mom and her belligerent step-person (I refuse to refer to him as any tupe of fatherly figure) tonight at the cheerleading dance clinic. Wish me luck and let's hope teh 'S' Days are much better that the others.


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