Friday, February 15, 2008

Gotta Getaway

As I was lying in bed this morning, the thought of a getaway just wouldn't escape my mind. Not necessarily one of those two-week vacations or a retreat to a resort, but just one of those 3-day weekend "things". Like a quick run over to St. Louis or maybe up to Chicago. Just to get away from normality for a minute.

Not sure what I love so much about an uncomfortable hotel bed and cheap coffee in that 2-cup pot they put in the rooms... oh wait, now I remember.

I love the drive. Oh do I love the drive. I love the smell of the night air on long trips when the rest of the family is sleeping. I can listen to my music and roll my window down and breathe in life. I can drive fast through cities when no one is looking and Angie is telling me to slow down.

I love the snacks. I love pulling into some random gas station and buying overpriced beef jerky, sunflower seeds and Twinkies. I like buying Peach NeHi. I love that everyone in the car gets something and shares part of it with everyone else. I love the fact we waste $20 on junk food.

I love continental breakfast. I love that rubbery bacon and those wet, mass-produced eggs that have no taste. The fact I can get a bowl of cereal, a donut, a blueberry muffin and a bagel in a hotel lobby wearing my pajamas and a hat and no one finds it weird. I love being have half asleep while opening up 22 packs of sugar and putting it into my coffee cup watching tiny little grains hit the table so later they can scratch my elbows.

The other day I begged Angie to jump in the car with me and drive to New York City. Just for the hell of it. Just to do it. For no other reason. We've never been. It would be fun. But she wouldn't go and I don't like doing things by myself. I'll talk her into it some day. Some day.


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