I guess sometimes I get really wrapped up in blogging things that happen recently and taking pics of Carter doing everything from eating his first meal to laughing or even sleeping. But there
was a life before my blog. I've never forgotten it, but someone emailed me the other day and asked for pics of Bailey. They wanted to know if I ever took any of her anymore. Wow. That sort of stuck me in the chest. Of course we take pics of Bailey! Every time something of interest happens or doesn't happen. Am I leaving her out that much? I don't think I am. I hope I'm not. Maybe it's because she is only at our house 6 days a month. Maybe it's when Bailey eats a banana she doesn't destroy the entire kitchen (and if she did I would prolly be upset). Maybe it is just because she is growing up and the memorable milestones in her life are much further apart than Carter's. Whatever the reason, these are a few photos of
Life, before the blog! Of course now, they are part of the blog...
These were taken almost 3 years ago when Bailey was 4 years old. Doreen, Angie's mother, was supposed to be watching her while she was outside pulling weeds and landscaping. Ummm, yeah, thanks Nana Reen! Haha!---------------------
Oh yeah, sometimes my cat Charlie gets left out so here he is doing what he does best!---------------------
A day on the water! Daddy and Bailey's favorite time together (well, Daddy's at least...)---------------------
Sometimes she gets bored and just plays in the lake with the dogs, *Sigh* which can really disrupt the biting fishes... Haha!---------------------
Now that's a whopper! This got Bailey in a National outdoors magazine.---------------------
Well, there you have it. A little history before "As Told By Me" existed. Enjoy!
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