The Friend Survey
1. What time is it? 11:22PM
2. What's your full name? Justin Brent Kimbro
3. What are you most afraid of? Being alone
4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen on bootleg? I'd never participate in that sort of thing, but if I did, it would have to be the killer flick 300
5. Place of birth? Murray, Kentucky
6. Favorite food? Cheeseburger & French Fries
7. What's your natural hair color? Brown
8. Ever been a neat freak? Organizationally speaking... I'm a little OCD
9. Ever been skinny dipping? Unfortunately not...
10. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? I don't cry...
11. Ever been in a car wreck? A few, okay, 17 or 18 of them.
12. Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon Bits
13. Favorite day of the week? Sunday
14. Favorite restaurant? Logan's Roadhouse
15. Favorite Flower? Orchid
16. Favorite sport to watch? Football
17. Favorite drink? Non-Alcoholic; Sweet Tea - Alcoholic; Tom Collins
18. Favorite ice cream? Just plain ole chocolate
19. Warner Bros or Disney? Disney
20. Ever been on a ship? A small one
21. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige, maybe?
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Zero
23. What do you do when you are bored? Take pictures
24. Bedtime? As late as possible
25. Last person you went to dinner with? Angie
26. Park or Zoo? Zoo
27. What are your favorite colors? Blue & Gray
28. How many tattoos do you have? Zero
29. How many pets do you have? Six (2 dogs, a cat, 2 fishes and a turtle)
30. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken
31. What do you want to do before you die? Build Murray's largest building
36. Have you ever been to Hawaii? Not yet
37. Have you been to countries outside the US? Not yet
38. Time this survey ended? 11:33 PM (I told you I like organization and all the spacing was messed up and only some of the numbers had periods... a little OCD)
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