Tuesday, July 01, 2008

How 'bout her?

"How 'bout her?"




"UGH! RIGHT there!"

"Which one?"

"The one in the bikini."

"They're all in bikinis."

"The BLUE bikini."

"There are 10 girls in blue bikinis."

"The string-top multi-colored one. She has blonde hair and big breasts."

"I don't see here. Where is she standing?"

"Just forget it. She's gone."

*WHEW* Escaped playing once again!

I have that conversation every 15 minutes with my dear wife, Angie. It seems she is obsessed with finding her twin. Well, twin meaning: body-type twin. Every year it's the same ole thing. She finds a woman and points at her and wants to know if that is what SHE looks like in a bathing suit. Are you friggin' kidding me? Any man would be stoopid to play such an incarcerating game. Although some are close, most are way off. Obviously I don't like this game and avoid playing it as much as possible. No matter what I say or how I say it, it is a game I am sure to lose. Horribly. So I'm off to avoid playing again. Ciao!


Blogger Wall Appeals said...

I cant believe you found a picture that is ME in a bikini. BAHAHAHAHA

6:21 AM  

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